'I Promise to Hold You, But Not Hold Onto You'
A pledge
that I've made to my baby.
When you look at me with your big eyes, searching for a hug, a kiss, comfort, and security, my heart melts with joy.
I am there in an instant, knowing that today you turn to me for everything. I yearn to hold you, protect you, and nurture
you. And while it makes me whole to meet your needs, I must constantly remind myself that I am really only your guide for
a short time. You are on your own journey, a bud that will blossom into its own brilliant flower.
I know there will come a time when you will no longer look to me for all your needs, when you must search for your own
answers, when you will want to wander around the world and collect your own treasures. I know there will come a time when
I have to let go and admit that you are old enough to make your own decisions and determine your own actions.
I pledge that I will let go and give you the freedom to grow and become your own person. And whenever you want my advice,
my embrace, and my smile, I will be there for you. I will always answer your call, and I will always be there as an anchor
when you need me. And while I know at times it will be hard for me to hold back, I will respect your freedom and give you
wings to fly freely with confidence, joy, and security.
I pledge to show you how values can be the basis for genuine success.
An important lesson that my parents taught me when I was young was to develop a sense of values that
could drive everything else we did in our lives. These values were not dictated or told to us, but rather, like all children,
we watched how our parents treated others and themselves.
As parents, we hope we can instill values in our children that will give them confidence and inspire them to treat others
with love and respect. Leading by example is a powerful way to help children listen to what makes them feel good
and then seek out and share those feelings with others in their world.